You have SIGHT, but do you have VISION?

sight vision

There is a famous story about a block of marble back in the 1400s. This block of marble was deemed flawed, useless and was cast aside. Every sculptor who looked at it saw it too long and narrow to be valuable for sculpture. It lay there worthless for 40 years. In 1501, a 26-year-old young man happened by this block of marble. He saw something very different. He had a greater vision for this block of marble. Inside this formless mass of stone this young sculptor saw the heroic beauty, grace and wonder of a man who would become known as David. Young Michelangelo famously said, “I already saw David inside, I had only to release him by chipping away at the marble that trapped him in.”

What dream or future is there that you need to release for your life, and especially for 2011? What is it that might be trapping your dream that you need to start chipping away at? For Michelangelo it was hard marble that trapped his vision; for you it might be some hard challenge or disappointment. The issue is not how hard the surface is of what you need to chip away. The issue is if your vision is secure and clear enough, the marble will eventually give way under your relentless and determined efforts as your vision won’t allow you to give up!

We are all very visual beings. Our eyes take in four million bits of information every second. Our imagination processes it and forms a three dimensional, four-color picture and puts that picture into creative motion. We all think in pictures.

And not only do you think in pictures about things; right now you are also carrying a picture of yourself on the inside of you! And the scary part is that you created that picture. And the fact is: YOU WILL NEVER RISE ABOVE THE PICTURE THAT YOU CARRY INSIDE OF YOU IN ANY AREA OF YOUR LIFE!

If you waDavidnt a great future, have a great picture of it. It’s not circumstance that’s blocking you. It’s lack of vision that diminish your strength and passion in life.

‘You and your future are limited only by your ability to be a visionary. The first step toward creating an improved future is developing the ability to envision it.’ – Darren Hardy

